My dear people of God, we are living in a life where we are confronted with life becoming so uncertain because of the threat which is the coronavirus pandemic.

As your pastor, it is my concern and primary duty to guide you on what to do in this trying moment. What are we going to do?

Following the church’s admonition in this Lenten season. We are asked first-to pray, second-to fast and third-for charity to others.

First of all, I would like to ask everyone to bend your knees and unite ourselves in intense prayer. It is in this particular time of need that we need to be one with the almighty God, our healer, savior, and protector. When life is being threatened, it is only god who can give us the assurance of life and to protect us from every evil that threatens our life.

God is the god of life. I admonish everybody to do family prayer, prayer in the homes and to pray the oratio imperata every hour even at homes.

Second, the church is also admonishing us in this Lenten season, fasting which is sacrifice. Bear all these inconveniences, do not panic, and avoid any unnecessary disturbances that would add fear in our day to day activities. Please stay calm and exert an effort to do sacrifice as an offering to drive out the threat of the devil that is threatening us from this virus.

In this regard, we also have to deny our desire for pleasure, by not going around, by not so being extravagant in our ways and avoid activities that would compromise the spread of the virus like all forms of socialization. Keeping distance is now an act of charity and care.

Third, it is the time for us to help one another especially for those in need. Let us also pray for the health workers and the LGU’s who are doing all the efforts to stop the spread of the virus. So please listen to our competent authorities specially in the health sector. As a church, we should listen and abide to the advosories given to us by health authorities. Follow all advisories to keep us always clean and sanitized.

Fourth, concerning our priests, kindly give guidance to our people and avoid any possible contamination. For instance, in the presence of a huge crowd, i admonish you to abide by the instructions of the LGU’s. In the event that there is an urgent need and the situation is becoming worse, you can suspend your public masses and other sacraments anytime even on Sundays. However, priests are obliged to say private masses, either in the church or in their chapels.

In rural areas, where there are a few people and know each other very well, you can devise a celebration while observing social distancing. But I understand that in our urban areas like Ormoc and Tacloban and other big parishes, where you cannot stop the coming and going of so many people, prudence demands that you suspend public masses. In the absence of masses please expose the blessed sacrament for adoration.

I leave it to the prudent discretion of our priests. However, we cannot deny the sacraments from the people but always abide by the indications from the authorities.

In moments of crisis, when people are helpless, two things are needed for their survival: companionship of their loved ones and to hold on to their faith. We cannot stop the individuals from demonstrating their faith.

I pray that in this time of crisis that when life becomes uncertain, we hold on to our faith in prayer, asking the Lord in his mercy and love to give us the strength and protection. Secondly, to be one with our loved ones and give support and help to one another.

I pray and I bless you all,
Don’t panic and let us put our trust in the lord.

Let us entrust ourselves to the care of the Blessed Mother, St. Roch the healer, Our Lady of Hope of Palo, St. Lorenzo Ruiz, and St. Pedro Calungsod to intercede for us in this moment of crisis.

The Lord be with you
May almighty God bless you,
In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit.