Opening Liturgy for the Synod in the Local Churches Instructions and Order of the Mass

Please use the Mass Formulary for the Launching of the synod in the parishes.  The English and the Binisaya (Waray) versions can be downloaded on the links below. All you have to do is to download whichever language you wish to use for that specific mass on October 17, Sunday. The document contains the entire Mass (prayer, readings, and all).  However, for the Cebuano-speaking parishes, the English or the Binisaya version could serve as your guide; kindly take note of the following:

  1. The Opening Mass is a Mass of the Holy Spirit; you may use gold or red vestments.  An unveiling of the LOGO (in the tarpaulin / poster) may be done.
  2. The penitential Rite is omitted; instead you use the Rite of Sprinkling of Holy Water to remind everyone of baptism (the Cebuano sacramentary contains the text).
  3. The presidential prayers (collecta, super oblate and post comunionem) are taken from the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit (cf. Cebuano Sacramentary). The Preface to be used is the Preface I of the Holy Spirit (cf. Cebuano sacramentary).
  4. The Readings are taken from Pentecost Sunday.
  5. The homily should of course deal with the Synodal Process and the theme: Communion, Participation and Mission.
  6. The Prayers of the Faithful is provided in the Mass Formulary.  For the Cebuano-speaking parishes, you may compose your own which you can base on the English or Binisaya (Waray) version.
  7. As for the prayer ADSUMUS SANCTE SPIRITUS, the Cebuano version may be sent later; if it will not yet be available by Sunday, you may use the English text.
  8. Please take note that he Formulary recommends a floral offering from representatives of the parish to the image of the BVM, after the Prayer “Adsumus”.