Lay Organizations, Movements, and Associations


List Updated December 2018

Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon

Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen
and Professionals (BCBP)

Bukas Loob sa Dios,
Catholic Charismatic Covenant Community

Catholic Women’s League (CWL)

Couples for Christ (CFC)

Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI)

Divine Mercy

El Shaddai

Elim Community

Focolare Movement

Knights of the Altar

Legion of Mary

Mother Butler Guild

Mother Butler Mission Guild


Our Lady of Divine Grace Charismatic Movement

Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV)

Servants of the Living Word

World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF)

Archdiocesan Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services

Archdiocesan Federation of the “Virgen Milagrosa”
Visita Domicilliaria

Archdiocesan Marriage Encounter (AMEn)

Catholic Charismatic Renewal
(Eastern and Western District)

Catholic Faith Defenders

Cornerstone Faith Community (CFC)

Family of God’s Little Children (FGLC)