Brgy. San Jose, Ormoc City, 6541 Leyte, Philippines
Contact: 639176890558
HISTORY (read...)
Considering the geographical size of the Our lady of Lourdes Parish in Valencia, Ormoc City, and the spiritual need of the people, 6 barangays, namely: Brgy. San Jose, Brgy. Sabang Bao. Brgy. Guintigui-an, Brgy. Balion, Brgy. Bayog and Brgy. Catmon were excised and made into a new mission station, St. Christopher Magallanes Mission Station, with its seat in Brgy. San Jose. The new community was formally created and dedicated to St. Christopher Magallanes, Priest and Martyr, as the Titular Patron, on October 1, 2009 by His Grace, the Most Rev. Jose Palma, D.D., S.Th.D., and Fr. Mansueto Sosing, being the first Mission Priest. Fr. Mansueto was replaced by Fr. Kutz Amiscua Caintoy on February 16, 2015. The current archbishop, The Most Rev. John F. Du, D.D., deeming it canonically fit, on May 20, 2017, canonically elevated the community into a parish, with San Jose, in his title, Ang Mamumuo, as the Titular Patron, and St Christopher Magallanes, the Secondary Patron, and installed Fr. Kutz Amiscua Caintoy as the protopastor. The new parish is blessed with a newly constructed church building after the old one was devastated by typhoon Yolanda in November 2013. The congregation is very much grateful to the people of the United States of America for their generosity through the United States of America Catholic Bishops Conference. Ad maiorem gloriam Dei!