Archdiocese of Palo

SUPPLEMENT TO DAYAW (April2020-May2020) – An Triduo han Pasko

Download a Digital Copy ofthe Supplement to Dayaw(April2020-May2020) Click the DOWNLOAD button below Dear Rev. Monsignori and Fathers, FYI: At this time, we are not able to publish the Paschal Triduum Supplement. Thus, we will make available to all the digital file so you can print them for your use. Thank you and Godbless! From Bp. Rex Ramirez Before you DOWNLOAD, know the latestplease LIKE Archdiocese of Palo

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DECREE: On the Special Intention to be added to the Solemn Intercessions during the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord for the year 2020 only

ADDITIONAL INTENTION FOR THE GOOD FRIDAY 2020SOLEMN INTERCESSIONS N.B.  This prayer should be inserted after Prayer no. 9 (for those in public office) I.  Latin IX b.  Pro tribulatis in tempore contagii Oremus et pro omnibus qui praesenti morbo in pressura positi inveniuntur, ut Deus et Dominus noster infirmis sanitatem reddat, vires concedat eis qui aegrotos curant, familias dolentes consoletur, vita functis plenitudinem redemptionis praestet. Oratio in silentio.  Deinde sacerdotes: Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, humanae infirmitatis singulare praesidium, respice benignus languores omnium…

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GUIDELINES: To further explain the RCAP Circular for the Celebration of the Holy Week 2020 in the Archdiocese of Palo

Liturgical-Pastoral Guidelinesin line with the Holy Week celebration in the Archdiocese of Palo The reason behind the injunction to celebrate the liturgy “sine populo” (at which only one minister participates) is to avoid the gathering of the faithful from different areas or houses (in order to stop any contamination, so to speak). And so, those who live in one household (rectory or religious house) should come together and celebrate especially the Divine Office and the Paschal Triduum as one community/family;…

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