A People of God and a Community of Disciples
nourished by God’s Word and the Sacraments

Welcome to the Archdiocese of Palo


Super typhoon Yolanda (Int’l: Haiyan) that battered the Archdiocese of Palo in November 2013 brought to the Archdiocese the devotion to Our Lady of Hope of Palo. The image is a depiction of the Boy-Jesus with Mary His Mother reaching out to the survivors. It depicts the faith of the people, a faith that remained firm in spite of the devastation. Devotion to Our Lady of Hope is propagated in the Archdiocese of Palo. The Prayer to Our Lady with Jesus our Savior is an assurance of God’s presence in both good and challenging times.

Prayer to Our Lady of Hope of Palo

The Archdiocese of Palo has Pastoral Programs
helping various Communities




The Palo Archdiocesan Chancery and Pastoral Center is the Central Office of the Archdiocese of Palo. It houses various offices from Pastoral Programs, Commission on Temporalities, and Finance Department. You may also inquire for mariage-related concerns in our Judiciary Section.

Contact a Parish

Eighty-Six (86) Parishes and Mission Stations are in the Archdiocese of Palo. It has seven (7) Vicariates divided into two (2) districts: East (Waray-Waray speaking) and West (Cebuano speaking). Reach them to inquire schedule of Masses, Celebration of other Sacraments and parish-document related inquiries.

Know the Latest

Keep yourself updated on what is going-on in the Archdiocese of Palo. Be informed of the latest activities in the Archdiocesan Level down to the Parish Level. These events are testimonies of the Church’s dynamism in response to the implementation of Archdiocesan programs.


Read and Download important documents of the Archdiocese. These resources have guided the Pastoral thrust of the local Church of Palo. From Archdiocesan Decrees to Pastoral Letters of the Archbishops; it will be a credible source of data behind the different programs of the Archdiocese of Palo.

More than four-hundred (400) years since the formal evangelization of the Island of Leyte; the Archdiocese of Palo has grown to be one of the largest administrative diocese of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis visited the Archdiocese of Palo on January 2015. It was after the devastation of Supertyphoon Haiyan (locally known YOLANDA) - the strongest typhoon ever recorded to make landfall.
Take a look at our Apostolate

Learning Institutions

Charitable Institutions

Religious Institutes and Pious Associations

Lay Organizations, Movements, and Associations


This website is a response of the Archdiocese of Palo to the New Evangelization. The internet is God’s gift that needs to be used to further the work of Evangelization and to let everyone know that Christ accompanies us even in Cyberspace. May you feel our closeness thru this website and may this be a place where we will know that Christ is ever at work in his Church.

Most Rev. John F. Du, DD

Archbishop of Palo

Keeping in touch has always been an aim in Communication. It builds relationship and edifies it. In behalf of the Information and Social Communications Team of the Archdiocese of Palo; I welcome you to this website – our home in the internet. May this facility be an avenue to build lasting connections between you and the Archdiocese of Palo.

Rev. Fr. Chris Arthur H. Militante

Information and Social Communications Director, Archdiocese of Palo

His Holiness, Pope Francis, emphasized the realization that Social Media is a gift. In the Archdiocese of Palo, as you want to strengthen how you can be more in touch with people not only in your Archdiocese but all over the world; social media is a gift and a tool. Utilize it well in your apostolate and use it as a channel of evangelization to proclaim the gospel.

Most Rev. Mylo Hubert C. Vergara, DD

Episcopal Commission on Social Communications Chairman, Catholic Bishop's Conference of the Philippines
Meet the Shepherd and his Collaborators





CIRCULAR Ptcl. No. 006. s 2020 (Guidelines for the Celebration of the Holy Week 2020 in the Archdiocese of Palo)

CIRCULAR Prtcl. No. 006 s. 2020 TO : ALL THE CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF PALO RE : GUIDELINES FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE HOLY WEEK 2020 IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF PALO My dear Brothers and Sisters, “…He sent out Peter and John, instructing them: Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover” (Lk. XXII: 8). In the midst of this turbulence, these words of our Lord (originally addressed to his disciples)…

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DAYAW 2020 (April-May)

Download a Digital Copy ofDayaw NOW!!! Click the DOWNLOAD button below Dear Rev. Monsignori  & Fathers, FYI: Though scheduled to arrive on Thursday (March 26, 2020) the ‘Dayaw’ might still be delayed due to transportation difficulties. Please bear with us. We will make available to all the digital files of the April-May issue (so you can print them for your use). God bless us all! From Bp. Rex Ramirez Before you DOWNLOAD, know the latestplease LIKE Archdiocese of Palo

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Family Rosary with the Youth

YOUNG PEOPLE… Lead your family in prayer using this convenient YouTube ROSARY GUIDE in waray-waray (binisaya). In this time of Pandemic where our elderly are vulnerable; let the fire of our faith continue to brighten our homes in these times of darkness and uncertainty. Take the lead. Respond in this call to Mission because you are BELOVED, GIFTED, and EMPOWERED! INSTRUCTIONS: Download the YouTube videos below. (You may also stream the Rosary Guide directly from the internet.) Choose a time…

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Pastoral Care continues amidst Commununity Quarantine in the Archdiocese of Palo

ARCHDIOCESE OF PALO, Leyte. Today is the first Sunday since the cancellation of the Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Archdiocese. With the escalation of response from the Local Government Units and the Department of Health to combat the COVID 19 pandemic; churches in the Archdiocese of Palo is in full support to authorities. The Archbishop of Palo has issued Circular Letters to guide the faithful and clergy on the conduct of church liturgies in this time of calamity.…

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Additional Liturgy Guidelines in line with the Circular Lette of Archbishop Du dated 18 March 2020

What the Circular Letter refers to as Mass without a congregation refers to the form “Mass at which only one minister participates” (GIRM 252-272). Kindly refer to the indications found in GIRM; it is practically the same form as the “Mass with the people (a congregation)” minus the homily but with only the priest and a minister who acts as lector and server. Considering our current situation, the minister should be somebody who lives in the rectory (not somebody who…

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